Don’t forget to thank god for keeping you safe through the night and every time you wake up to see a new beautiful day.
HomePosts filed under mind
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Drear pain, please give me some discount. I’m your daily customer.
Drear pain, please give me some discount. I’m your daily customer.
Don’t ever change just to impress and please someone.
Don’t ever change just to impress and please someone. Change because it makes you a better person & it leads you to a better future. ...
Don’t be a boring girlfriend sometimes just take his phone and delete all the female contacts and wait for a fight.
Don’t be a boring girlfriend sometimes just take his phone and delete all the female contacts and wait for a fight.
Do more things that make you forget to check your phone
Do more things that make you forget to check your phone
Do females really change peoples names in their phone when they get mad
Do females really change peoples names in their phone when they get mad
Did you know The correct spelling is SCHOOL not SCHOOL. Some people put the second O before the first O which is absolutely wrong.
Did you know The correct spelling is SCHOOL not SCHOOL. Some people put the second O before the first O which is absolutely wrong.
A Simple 5-Minute Habit That Can Make You Happier
By Laurel Moll “Gratitude creates joy—not vice versa.” ~Dr. Brené Brown To be blunt, my summer of 2013 sucked. In a matter of months, a ...
Married or not… you should read this
When I got home that night my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Ag...
Personality Test – The Story Behind Your Date Of Birth
Story Behind Your Date Of Birth ...
Why Meditation Should Be Included In the Education of Our Youth
At first glance, Quiet Time – a stress reduction meditation strategy used in several San Francisco middle and high schools, – looks like som...
Horror stories range of pictures! Do not worry, these are seen!
Every country wants to intimidate you in the dark night, have every society. There are pictures of the ghost to prove that there really ghos...